22 Apr 2022

The location at Voss is amazing for several reasons, one of which is the local skydiving club. In the peak season they fly from the ground level to 4000 meters, every day (except Sundays) from 9am to 9pm every 25 minutes. This is an unprecedented profiling opportunity. We got in touch with the club and were kindly allowed to have an iMet senesor installed on one of the struts under the wing. The first test flight took place on the 24th of April, and we are looking forward to the data. We plan to complement our LIDAR and PG observations with measurements from the skydiving plane.
15 Mar 2022
Today the gLidar project has been awarded a research grant for financing data colection. The money is available until the March 2023 (including). This could not be more timely addition as we are planning the Voss campaign in May and a summer school at Elverum in July.
The money will mostly be used to finance logistics and instruments necessary for the data collection.
25 Feb 2022

During the week from the 21st until the 25th of February the LIDARs were in operation in front of the GFI building. We were able to hook the instruments to a RapberryPi computer and set up automatic uploading of data.
We were also able to develop advanced scanning patterns enabling the tilting of the scanning plane.
Getting ready for the Voss campaign in May!
01 Sep 2021
The first paragliding data acquisition using the iMet sensor took place on the 21st of August 2021.
In total there were three days of flying with seven flights with over 14h30min of airtime in total.
The conditions were quite extraordinary which allowed for two ~5hr flights, one on Saturday, one on Sunday.
You can see the potential temperatures recorded on Saturday in the picture below. The graph shows the warming of the atmosphere, as well as the magnitude of the temperature anomalies inside the thermal.
A detailed analysis showing the mixing coefficients and comparison with the AROME model is in progress.