gLidar-project at EGU

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The gLidar project had two presentation at the EGU General Assembly 2022 in Vienna. One in the “Atmospheric Convection” session and one in the “Profiling the atmospheric boundary layer” session organized by the EU COST action PROBE.

You can access our presentations here:
Presentation by Christiane
Presentation by Juraj

Moving a LIDAR

During our visit to the field we have discovered a better placement of the instruments, that would allow us to scan more closely to where the paragliders fly. Moving a 270 kg instrument can be a hassle, luckily a friendly local helped us with his heavy machinery! Looking forward to the new scanning pattern.


30km Flight in Voss Campaign


The flight tracklog can be found on XContest.

LIDARs at Voss

On the 28th of April we drove and installed the LIDAR instruments at Voss, and came back to calibrate them on the 29th. Two very long working days, but the instruments are in place and operating.

Lidars Lidars
Lidars Lidars

Voss SkyDive Data

The first temperature recording from the skydiving plane took place on the 24th of April, the iMet instrument recorded nine ascents in the duration of 5 hours between 9:00 UTC and 14:00 UTC. The lighter colours represent earlier flights. Both ascents and descents are shown in the figure below.
